Self explanatory! Just pop this package in your game and your little floofer’s eyes will be spec free. The blue pastel one is my favourite because it matches the UI elements seamlessly. I kept the gradient for the pastel selection subtle to combat the horrible artifacting that happens. The color choices for the solids were picked mainly to help you edit out the background easier, and the pastel gradients are for aesthetic purposes. There’s a total of 12 different backgrounds to pick from 5 pastel gradients and 7 solid colors.

You can find a version of this for Sims, plus different kinds of CAS Sim lighting right here. I’ve also included a version of the original EAxis lighting without the green/blue lights for pets, if that suits your fancy. I highly recommend using the version with the backlight though–it looks really cool in pictures! )

The backlight does overexpose some light/white colored tops and furs at the edges, but the effect isn’t drastic. I’ve included two versions of this lighting, one with a backlight, and one without.

I meticulously messed around with the lighting values in CAS (again!) and created a different variant, dubbed “Immersive Lighting” because I think this lighting does a better job of giving Sims and Pets a sense of depth compared to the EAxis lighting. My 2 year old CAS backgrounds were due an overhaul for a looooong time and here they finally are–with some added bonuses! Immersive Lighting