I just find it pretty sad to use the pregen map since last time I played (Alpha 16) everything always generated fine. I had the same issue on the default 4096 size. I don’t know if it’s possible, but you could try generating a world using the Nitrogen tool, then copying it to the server, but I don’t know if that would work or not, as I haven’t messed around with 7 days servers much myself. I’ve heard there are issues generating larger worlds at the moment, so the issue I had, and it sounds like you may have, could be related to that, or could just be a weird map corruption of some description, either way you’ll likely have to re generate a world.

It was essentially a corrupt map, and we couldn’t figure out a way to fix it directly, but pregen’d worlds seemed to work fine (there’s Navezgane and 3 other pregens available). The problem was, it seems the actual map and the long distance rendering map (basically the low res map you’d see outside of normal render range so you can see things in the distance) didn’t match up, meaning that you’d get strange rock walls around(sometimes with vertical roads8 you that disappeared as you moved. I had a similar sort of issue on a friends dedicated server, but he’d tried to gen a 16k map, which is larger than you can generally in A18, but was possible on the server. Is there some workaround for this? We want to create a new random map like we always did in A16. It seems like a texture bug but I couldn't find the bug here directly on the forums. Whenever we get into a little bit mountainy area, the mountains are like moving away from us when we get closer. Originally posted by bibie JACKELS!!:Whenever me or any of my friends with good pc's host a dedicated server, it always seems to be a broken world.